Tag Archives: workers’ compensation

OSHA Changes Employer Post Accident Drug Testing Rules Effective 11/1/16

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Conveyor Belt Safety

Conveyer Belt Safety

Conveyors are useful tools in production, but can be extremely hazardous if not used properly. Train your employees well, post the rules clearly and male sure that all workers who work with or near conveyor belts are well educated on using them safely.

Loose clothing is a hazard around conveyer belts because it can become entangled in the machinery. Instruct your employees to wear close-fitting clothes. Long hair presents a similar hazard. It always should be tied back or covered. In case items fly off the conveyor belt during its use, employees should wear sturdy shoes and eye protection. And if the area is dusty, masks may also be useful. 
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Keeping Forklifts Safe

The Duty to Care

Even those of us who don’t drive forklifts for a living know how important they are in factories and warehouses all over the world. And while anyone would — and should — approach a forklift with caution and a healthy respect for what it can do, most people probably aren’t aware that every year, more than 20,000 forklift-related injuries occur in the U.S. alone. Not only that, there are countless incidents that involve property damage, including damage to overhead sprinklers, pipes, racks, walls, and machinery.

But it’s actually quite easy to prevent forklift accidents, injuries, and damage if operators follow these tips for keeping forklifts safe. 
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Can Big Data Help Prevent Workers’ Comp Fraud?

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Finding Talent Is Becoming a Challenge in Manufacturing

Finding Talent Is Becoming a Challenge in Manufacturing

It would seem that as the members of the Baby Boomer generation continue to slip into retirement, they’re taking something with them that manufacturing companies hadn’t counted on… talent.

Nearly half of the manufacturers who responded to the ASQ 2016 Manufacturing Outlook Survey said that finding qualified applicants was their greatest hurdle when filling vacant positions. It would seem that the generation replacing the Baby Boomers in the workplace didn’t inherit their predecessors’ skills or abilities. Or perhaps they just didn’t apprentice, as generations past did, to learn what they needed to know. 
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